FiveStones – a name inspired by a bible story about King David defeating the giant Goliath with only five pieces of stone. He succeeded not because of his size but because of his understanding of his opponent and his ability to think creatively to turn his weakness into an advantage. Being a boy, his light weight allows him to move with great agility. Alongside with his quick mind, he defeated the sluggish giant with only a sling and five stones.
At FiveStones, the way we work is very much based on this principle. We focus on continuously powering up our knowledge and expertise, and we move quickly to identify trends. We pride ourselves as being The Challenger. We challenge the status quo. We bring together developers, analysts, ad operations specialists, media traders and consultants to create intelligent plans and deliver amazing results for our clients.


What we promised is what we deliver. Professionalism is not only about what we know, but it is also about how we implement our action plans and make them work.


When individuals with different skill sets and talents join forces to work towards the same goal, the result achieved can be well beyond everyone's imagination.


Business is not only about making profits. We treasure every single person we work with and work for. We respect every employee, every client and every vendor, and every stakeholder in the society.

Founding members of FiveStones came from a solid technology and consulting background, with a wealth of experience in the world’s leading digital marketing and ad technology space. The team comprises different talents, and we are committed to moving the digital industry forward by empowering users with knowledge and technology through our support and services.

FiveStones is one of the four business pillars of the Numiracle Group. We empower organisations with technology and creativity and help them move beyond their constraints to achieve their marketing objectives.